"In Violent Times / Love Is Found" is a special four-part series by the Midnight Rockers Express, the decade-long mixtape project produced in collaboration with DJ Getlive. Dedicated to music from the 1980’s, and focused primarily on singles released for radio airplay and 12" versions made for club DJs, the series considers recordings that moved from the margins of that era to the main of pop culture — providing some light in the darkness during the Reagan and Thatcher years.
Artwork for the entire series features stills from a range of found footage, via YouTube, of the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. The title of the series borrows from the lyrics to "Shout" by Tears for Fears and New Order's "Thieves Like Us."
Stream: "In Violent Times / Love Is Found, 1980 — 1989, Part 4"